Church Fenton - Parish Council

Planning in our Parish

All planning applications in the Parish are decided upon by the LPA (Local Planning Authority), in this case, Selby District Council. Church Fenton Parish Council are public consultees and as such are notified of all applications in Church Fenton. The Parish Council can make observations on any application and have a consultation period in the same way that any member of the public has once the "public planning notice" has been displayed on or near the site (usally 21 days).

You can access the planning portal here

Planning Applications

The following applications are live application in our Parish:

Ref. No.

Brief Description

Live Date


Land South East Of Little Fenton, Sweeming Lane, Little Fenton
EIA Screening Opinion in relation to the development of a solar farm and associated infrastructure on approximately 17.5ha of land

04 June 2024



Section 73 application to vary conditions 01 (approved plans), 03
(landscaping scheme), 06 (use of land), 07 (boundary treatment) and 08
(emergency access) of approval 2017/0736/REMM Reserved matters
application relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for
erection of 50 dwellings of approval 2015/0615/OUT for outline application
to include access for a residential development granted on 11 June 2021

11 June 2024


Leeds East Airport Busk Lane Church Fenton
Change of use of land to outdoor storage, alterations to land levels and permeable surfacing

13 June 2024


Leeds East Airport Busk Lane Church Fenton
Construction of a bund (retrospective)

13 June 2024


Leeds East Airport Busk Lane Church Fenton
Discharge of condition 06 (access, parking,
manoeuvring and barriers) of approval
2020/0324/COU Proposed change of use of land
and buildings in order to facilitate office, storage
and workshop uses

24 June 2024


Level Crossing Rose Lane Church Fenton.
Discharge of condition 04 (Landscaping and Ecology) of TWA/22/APP/03 Network Rail (Church Fenton Level Crossing Reduction) Order 2024 No 526

27 June 2024


Land South Of Main Street Church Fenton.
Public Footpath No. 35.22/4 and 35.22/3 off Church Street, Church Fenton - re-routing.

07 July 2024


Leeds East Airport Busk Lane Church Fenton.
Section 73 application to vary condition 03 (external activity) of approval 2020/0324/COU Proposed change of use of land and buildings in order to facilitate office, storage and workshop uses granted on 14 January 2021

07 July 2024


19 Fieldside Court, Church Fenton.
Erection of a detached dwelling to garden site.

10 July 2024


Brackenhill Farm, Brackenhill Lane, Church Fenton.

Conversion of existing commercial building into dwelling (revised scheme to application number ZG2023/1045/FUL).

18 July 2024

If you would like to find out more information on any of these most recent applications, please type the reference number into the public access link above. You can also make comments here.


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